Our Curriculum
The Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline (QKLG) provides advice for planning, interacting with children, monitoring and assessing, and sharing information in Kindergarten contexts. It is an approved framework in the National Quality Standard (NQF) and helps services meet the criteria for an approved Kindergarten program.

The Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline supports Kindergarten Teachers’ professional practice in a range of contexts across Queensland. The guideline is based on the Early Years Learning Framework for Australia (EYLF) and embraces the inclusive vision that “all children experience learning that is engaging and builds success for life."
The EYLF describes a vision of children’s learning, characterised by:
belonging — recognising that knowing where and with whom you belong is integral to human existence, providing a basis for children’s interdependence and relationships with others
being — recognising and valuing the “here and now” in children’s lives, and viewing childhood as more than simply preparation for adulthood or for the future
becoming — recognising the rapid and significant learning and development that occurs in the early years, and the capability and potential of all children.
While the EYLF focuses on children from birth to five years, the Queensland Kindergarten Learning Guideline aims to specifically enrich children’s learning in the Kindergarten year. In Queensland, the Kindergarten year is the year before the Preparatory year of schooling. Throughout the Kindergarten year, children’s right to experience the joy of childhood is fundamental and learning is promoted through play, and emergent and planned learning experiences and interactions.
The guideline recognises that parents are children’s first educators and values the vital role parents, carers and family members play in children’s lives and their ongoing learning. The term “families”, throughout the guideline, recognises the range of people who take on parenting roles and build close and supportive relationships with children in their home environments.
For information about the Education and Care Services National Regulations (QLD) please click here.
A copy of the Education and Care Services National Law (Queensland) Act 2021 can be downloaded here.